Nina Chanel Abney (b.1982, Harvey, IL) R&R - 2022
Nina Chanel Abney
(b.1982, Harvey, IL) R&R - 2022:
Nina Chanel Abney created this immersive mural in response to the legacies of gentrification that erase the rich histories of vibrant Black communities. In explaining her concept for the mural, the artist has written: “The impact of gentrification is greatly felt in its tendency to displace and erase the lives and legacies of Black and poor people.
Few Black communities have been able to survive the political decisions and economic trends that exploit the cultural desirability of these often (but not always) already disenfranchised neighborhoods. In some cases only remnants of these communities remain, and this is after archival excavation.
I created a pictorial language to depict a speculative narrative that investigates community ‘renewals’ and subsequent removals. The mural location, a tunnel formed by the dark passageway under the building, inspired me to consider the recognition of sacred spaces with story. I hope to spark a dialogue around gentrification and encourage a curiosity amongst viewers to engage with and learn about the previous and adjacent neighborhoods.” — Nina Chanel Abney